Everything you need from COVID-19 tests to flexible booking options and your own toilet paper

Even in “normal” times, traveling can be quite confusing, especially when you make multiple stops, go to the other side of the world, or maybe with children. Well, it could be even more confusing if you are traveling during a global pandemic. So let’s take a look at this simple checklist we’ve put together so that you can always travel with ease.

1. Review the limitations and requirements that you live in

Do regular research on travel restrictions and requirements. They’re changing fast – Shutterstock

Before you book your trip, you should check that out Limitations and Requirements that applies wherever you are. You can return without commitment quarantine? Do you have to take tests or provide documents on your way back? And in case of unexpected hiccups, do you have a backup plan?

While you want to take the time to consider all of your options before booking your trip, it is never too early to start planning your trip. Even if you may not be traveling for another month or maybe six months, preparation can also be an exciting part of it.

2. Look for flexible booking options

Kiwi.com offers three different types of tariffs: Spar-Ticket, Standard-Ticket, Flexi-TicketOur three tariff types give you the flexibility you need – Kiwi.com

Whether booking Last minute or weeks in advanceSince restrictions everywhere can change almost on a daily basis, you want to be sure that you have a bit more flexibility in your trip.

Some countries only allow passengers Arrival by air while some have no restrictions at all. At Kiwi.com you can search for flights, buses and trains and tailor your trip to the destination’s entry regulations. Isn’t it convenient to stop in a certain country? You can rule it out or make sure your flight doesn’t have a layover at all. Plus, you can choose a plan with the flexibility you need.

3. Make sure you have valid COVID-19 tests and certificates

Person at the airport using the mobile app on the phone to view the Covid-19 test results for travelSome countries require more than a negative PCR test – Shutterstock

A negative COVID-19 test while traveling is not always required and often depends on the country you are traveling to or through. That being said on Testing alone may not be enough – destinations and airlines (and others) may differentiate between different types of diagnostic tests.

As requirements change frequently, always check which test you need and when to do it.

International travelers staying in the United StatesFor example, they don’t need to be tested more than three days before their flight and show the airline the negative test result before they can board their flight. Alternatively, proof of recovery can be provided – recent positive tests and official health care documentation have now been approved for travel.

4. Pack the right things

Disinfectant gel, FFP2 respirators and medical-surgical masksCheck the regulations in the countries you are traveling to. Currently, many countries require respirators to be worn in public places – Shutterstock

While wearing a mask has become part of their everyday life for some, others may not be as used to wearing one depending on their location.

Having a face covering on an airplane or at an airport has become the industry standard, and strict as it may sound, people without it may be denied boarding or onward transportation. Some places now also require an FFP2-class ventilator as opposed to the more basic face mask or cloth mask. Of course, the use of any type of face covering requires proper use pulled over the nose and mouth.

There are a few things that are nice to have, don’t take up too much luggage space, and can be very useful in preventing germs. Aside from hand sanitizer and wet wipes (the less eco-friendly option), you may want to wrap your own toilet paper as, despite the touch of the roll, it has been shown that every time you flush, feces are scattered all over the toilet, including the roll of paper.

You can pack your own self-cleaning water bottle with UV technology and a kit of utensils for when you want to eat while traveling. If you bring your own butter knife, it is better to opt for a plastic knife or a knife with a round blade, as a metal knife may not be allowed on an airplane.

5. Have (COVID-19) travel insurance

6 key points on your travel checklist during the pandemicWe offer two types of travel insurance – Kiwi.com

Next to your regular guest Travel insuranceYou might want to have one that applies to specific cases like the COVID-19 pandemic. Some insurance policies may only be valid for a specific time, place, or circumstance. So be sure to find out about the terms before you go for it.

Kiwi.com also offers travel and COVID-19 insurance. You can choose one when booking that suits your needs so you don’t have to worry later and do it all at once.

6. Keep up to date with the situation at your destination

After you are on your way, be sure to observe the news and regulations at your final destination as well as any stops along the way. Even if you don’t speak the language, official government websites and resources are often available in a different language, such as: B. English. You can also contact the embassy of your home country.

If you’re toying with the idea of ​​getting out and about, check out the great prices Kiwi.com with thousands of routes for flights, buses and trains. It’s never too early (or too late) to dream of your next adventure.

Want to read more tips and tricks when planning a trip? Go to ours ultimate travel hacks lead or browse Kiwi.com stories.