The Maharashtra cabinet on Wednesday approved its caravan tourism policy, which develops special parks and regulates the use of vehicles.

Special parks are set up for the caravans, for which the owner or a building contractor can use private or state land. Special water, electricity and road connections are provided, including a tourist help desk. The park owner / developer is responsible for the safety of tourists. They can be developed on the land available with the Maharashtra Tourism Development Corporation hotels, as well as on open spaces with agricultural tourism centers, etc. The local authorities will issue the permits.

Both the vehicle and the park must be registered with the traffic commissioner and the tourism directorate. The government said that single-axle conventional, dual-axle, and collapsible caravans, tent trailers, and RV trailers are treated as different types. These are equipped with a kitchen, toilet, sofa, table and beds.

“The decision will be made within the framework of the 2016 tourism policy. All concessions granted under the stamp duty and electricity tariff as well as the state GST reimbursement are part of it. Management will train people interested in marketing, hygiene and management issues, ”said one official.

He said the government is promoting it amid the spread of COVID-19, as tourists have now been observed to start preferring the private vehicles for travel.

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