The closure of tourism sites on Kaanum Pongal disappointed many here on Saturday.

The city’s VOC park and children’s park, Kodiveri Anicut and the park attached to the Bhavani Sagar reservoir are the places where people gather in large numbers with friends and relatives to celebrate Kaanum Pongal .

As part of the COVID-19 precautionary measure, the state government had ordered the closure of all tourism sites in the district for three days. Police officers were posted outside the city parks to prevent people from ga

in great numbers.

Regular visitors to the parks said the parks were closed to the public for maintenance in April 2019.

“Even setting up a park may not take two years, but the development work has been going on for two years,” said Saraswathi, a resident of Kallukadaimedu, here. She said that if cinemas are allowed to operate, closing tourist spots is not the right decision.

Similarly, Anicut and the park, which saw a large number of visitors during the Pongal holidays, remained closed to the public.

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