Visiting Hollywood is good for Arkansas tourism

Updated: 14:47 CDT April 25, 2021

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40/29 PAUL PETITTE SHOW US HOW HOLLYWOOD PAYS FOR ARKANSA’S TOURISM. “MINARI” SHOWS DIRECTOR LEE ISAAC CHUNG’S EXPERIENCE IN CHASING THE AMERICAN DREAM AS AN ASIAN AMERICAN LIVING ON HIS FAMILY FARM IN LINCOLN. Although it was filmed on a series in OKLAHOMA – the audience hears ARKANSAS. AND AFTER THE ARKANSAS TOURISM DEPARTMENT THAT TRIGGER IS INTERESTED IN THE NATURAL STATE TRAVIS NAPPER / DIR OF ARKANSAS TOURISM 1:16, it definitely helps us to be on the radar for some people where it may not have been there , and reminds you of what we have to offer here. The same thing happened when true detective season three was filmed in over nine countries across the state. REP CHARLENE FITE / DISTRICT 80 6:51 We have plains, we have mountains, we have rivers, we have lakes, we have historical sites, we have pretty much everything a filmmaker could be looking for TV SHOW IN ARKANSAS RECORDING DISCOUNTS AND INCENTIVES. ITS BIG BUSINESS AND BIG PUBLIC. NAPPER 2:37 We added a little Minari to our content for the connection with our film and television industries. So I definitely use this as a resource. FITE 16; 15 We know what it’s done so far for the state of Georgia Than Tourism and we’d love to see more of it, and one of the movie producers who testified for this bill said that if he shows human clips from Arkansas they just blown away TOURISM DEPARTMENT IS TRUSTED VISITORS

“Minari” arouses people’s interest in the natural state, says the Arkansas Tourism Bureau. Check out the video above to learn more.

“Minari” arouses people’s interest in the natural state, says the Arkansas Tourism Bureau. Check out the video above to learn more.