If you are planning a trip and want to know if the destination is safe, there are so many resources available to help you decide. As someone who works full-time as digital nomad for the past three years i have been relying on a number of useful sources to collect safety and travel tips. Here are some simple steps you can take to review the safety information for your upcoming trip.

1. Check the US government websites for COVID guidelines and other information

Familiarizing yourself with the latest COVID-19 guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is a good first step. Also, check the COVID-19 FAQ page on the U.S. Embassy websites for the country you are traveling to so you are up to date on the country’s entry requirements. Regrettably, Entry requirements are subject to change, so don’t be surprised if a new quarantine or test rule is displayed.

In addition, the US Department of State’s travel advice page allows you to search for the country you are traveling to to see the latest travel warnings. The hints can be especially useful when traveling to a known risky destination as they can tell you which regions to avoid and why.

2. Join Facebook groups for travelers and digital nomads

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Groups are another great resource for finding information about the destination you want to visit. For region-specific information, including security, see expat or digital nomad Groups related to the city or country you are traveling to. If your destination is unclear, look for general digital nomad groups or groups specifically focused on solo travelers.

These groups often have thousands of members, and you can use the group search feature by typing your destination to see if anyone has asked for the same information. Some of the groups are private and some are public, so you may have to join before you can search or make your own post. If you travel alone and want to meet others who live or are traveling in your intended destination, posting to these groups is a great way to connect with fellow travelers, especially if you are nervous before traveling.

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For example, if you are thinking of traveling to Medellín, Colombia and want to receive safety information and travel tips, join the Digital Nomads Medellín Facebook group to ask your questions.

3. Use your existing online and offline communities

Taking stock of your existing community is another great way to find information about your travel destination. You can post on Facebook or Twitter
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and ask for advice. Perhaps one of your followers recently returned from a vacation in this country, or perhaps another friend studied abroad or temporarily moved there for work. If Instagram is more your thing, post an Instagram story planning a trip to a specific area for safety and general advice.

Another great way to leverage your community is by using the search feature on Facebook. In the example of a trip to Medellín above, enter “my friends who live in Medellín” in the Facebook search field and you will see a list of Facebook friends who live there. You may end up reconnecting with old friends or get lots of helpful advice from a community you didn’t even know you had. Even if you think that you may not know anyone who has traveled where you want to go, it is worth checking out the little hassle because that connection could be a wealth of knowledge.

Of course, there’s also the old-fashioned way of asking friends, family, classmates, or work colleagues if they’ve already traveled where you want to go. It’s easy to forget how many people we actually know and could ask for travel tips.

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4. Read relevant blog articles

Reading blog articles for your intended travel destination can also provide lots of useful travel advice and safety information. Again, using the Medellin trip as an example, go to your preferred search engine and type in “Is Medellin Safe?” a. and you will see pages of results discussing the safety information. You will also find helpful tips (e.g. which areas are safe, how to get around, what to do, where to stay).

Not every article will give you the information you need. So take the time to read through some of them so you can get an idea of ​​the security situation of your travel destination. The more high quality sources you have, the more precisely you can get a picture of the situation.

Bonus tip: consider travel insurance

When you decide to book your trip, consider whether you need travel insurance. Some advantages, such as B. “Cancel for any reason” or CFAR, must be purchased on or just prior to paying for your trip. You should therefore think about travel insurance sooner rather than later. Whether you use your credit card’s travel insurance or take out a separate policy, you have many options to choose from. Traveling comes with a level of insecurity, and protection with travel insurance is a great safety net to protect yourself from a wide variety of problems, including lost or stolen luggage, rental car problems, and medical emergencies.

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The best ways to find safety information for your travel destination

From using your existing Instagram or Twitter community to joining Facebook groups to reading articles specifically related to travel tips, you can find so much information about travel safety.

Once in Trip Planning Mode, review your travel insurance options, review CDC policies, U.S. Department of State travel advisories, and read the latest COVID announcements on the website of the country you are traveling to (or its U.S. embassy) . Website) so that you are kept up to date with the latest information. And be sure to use the power of social media and your own circle of friends for even more information.

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Elina Geller writes for NerdWallet. Email: egeller@nerdwallet.com. Twitter: @elina_geller.