Fast Travel in New World is a system that allows you to travel from point to point quickly, but it consumes a resource called Azoth so you need to know how to get it. Obviously, the fast travel option is a necessity in any giant map game, and this is no exception. However, there are a few eccentricities in New World that you need to master when it comes to zipping through the world. It’s not that drastically different from how the mechanics work in similar games, but none the less. That’s the case, here is ours New World Fast Travel – How to Get Azoth to show you how to travel fast in this game, how to acquire Azoth and much more.

New World Fast Travel – How to Get Azoth

How to Travel Fast in the New World

To travel fast in New World, there are a few simple steps you need to follow. First, open the map and find the settlement or ghost shrine that you want to travel to. Of course, you must have visited the locations beforehand. Then hover over the town hall icon (if it doesn’t work, check if you’re hovering over the fort instead). Then simply pay the required amount of Azoth and you will be in the desired settlement in no time. Remember, you can only do this while you are already in a settlement or a ghost shrine.

The amount of azoth you have to pay depends on a few factors. For one, if you are traveling quickly to a settlement in the region you are already in, you will have to pay fifty azoth (at the time of writing). If the settlement is outside of the region you are in, the price rises to seventy-five Azoth plus any encumbrance costs. On the plus side, you get a discount if your company or faction controls the area you want to travel to.

Remember, you can travel fast in the New World for free, but only to inns. The good thing is that you can do it from anywhere in the world, but the downside is that it then kicks in on an hour cooldown. So make sure you use this option strategically.

How do I get Azoth to the New World?

To get Azoth in New World to travel fast, there are several ways that you can follow. One of the main sources of “currency” is quests. Of course, you don’t reward all quests with Azoth, but the ones that award about twenty or so. Another great way to earn the resource is by completing Corrupted Gaps. Last but not least, you can get Azoth from difficult opponents, mostly level 20 and higher. Be on the lookout for glowing blue enemies. they seem to have a good drop rate.

By the way, Azoth is not only used for fast travel. You can also use it to reset your skills if you’re not happy with your build. You can also add it to weapons that you craft, such as Ice gloveto get additional bonuses. Long story short, it’s a very valuable resource so use it sparingly.