Cosmetic surgery with liposuction at La Jolla Cosmetic. Courtesy of the practice

As medical tourism, where a person travels to another country for medical care, is becoming increasingly popular, it is important to understand the pros and cons.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Millions of US citizens engage in medical tourism each year, traveling to Mexico and Canada, as well as Central America, South America, the Caribbean and the Far East.

Medical tourism is widespread in the United States. People can travel from city to city or state to state to find the right doctor and facility that fits their medical needs. This type of medical tourism can be very safe and produce positive results.

But medical tourism outside of the United States is different. Some patients travel because of cultural preferences in order to receive treatment in their country of origin. Others may need a procedure or drug that is not available or not approved in the United States. The main motivation, however, is cost. Many procedures, including plastic surgery in my field, may be cheaper in other countries. But anyone considering this option needs to understand the potential risk.

In the United States, a plastic surgeon must follow the highest clinical standards. While these standards increase the cost of health care, they also increase safety. When you see lower costs, you have to wonder what elements of security and recovery are not included.

I recently took on the care of a Pennsylvania woman looking for plastic surgery opportunities abroad. She found a doctor in Mexico who performed her “tummy tuck”. The woman was operated on the day after her arrival without any preoperative protocols.

The treating physician and staff did not have full access to the patient’s medical history, which included susceptibility to resistant infections. She did not receive enough antibiotics preoperatively and as a result suffered a severe infection that was not recognized in time. When it was diagnosed, the woman could not be treated at the facility that performed the surgery. Instead, she was sent back to San Diego for emergency care.

After two weeks in the hospital, she returned to Pennsylvania for further infection treatment and wound care. She survived her complications but was left with permanent deformities of her body.

When complications arise, the money saved evaporates quickly. A patient’s health insurance rarely covers incidental expenses incurred in a country outside of the United States. Medical tourism doctors may be reluctant to order expensive antibiotics and other drugs, and the facility may not have access to a qualified recovery station or hospital. In the case of severe complications, there is often no family present.

Negative consequences do not always occur in medical tourism, but they are primarily avoidable. The missing component in medical tourism is the standard of care.

In the United States, we have the gold standard in terms of safety and regulations. If followed correctly, a first visit will be scheduled for each patient to meet their doctor. Their conversation ensures a full understanding of the surgery, outlines what preparations the patient must make beforehand, and addresses any concerns the patient may have.

The meeting is a precursor to taking a complete medical history of the patient. A full examination is carried out, laboratories are appointed and the state of health is determined. This is followed by a work-up plan and assurances that all issues will be addressed. The operation takes place in a fully accredited facility with a state-approved anesthesiologist and certified plastic surgeon. Postoperative recovery should involve the attending surgeon to ensure continuity of care.

Not all countries follow these standards. Many sacrifice health and safety standards to save money. Time is limited when traveling to other countries. The CDC notes that complications depend on the destination, the facility where the procedure is performed, and whether the patient is in good physical and mental condition for the procedure.

Other problems that can increase the risk of complications include infectious diseases. All medical procedures have some risk of complications, but those associated with procedures performed in other countries can include wound, bloodstream, and donor infections, as well as diseases such as hepatitis B, hepatitis C, and HIV.

Antibiotic resistance is a real problem and a global problem. However, outside of the United States, it is more likely that you will get an antibiotic-resistant infection and not have access to appropriate medications.

The quality of care differs significantly in some countries where the requirements for maintaining approval, notarization and accreditation may also be lower than required here. In some countries, counterfeit medicines and lower quality medical devices can be used.

Communicating with staff at the destination and in the healthcare facility can be challenging. Care in a facility where you are not fluent in the language can lead to misunderstandings about your treatment and care.

For people considering medical tourism, I acknowledge that there are excellent surgeons all over the world. However, in the United States we have the most advanced and regulated surgeon training in the world.

For example, plastic surgeons in the United States are required to complete six to nine years of training after graduating from medical school. We are monitored for years by a panel of colleagues before and after we receive board certification. This is followed by inclusion in the American Society for Plastic Surgeons and American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery for further education and training.

The bottom line is, when considering medical tourism as an inexpensive plastic surgery option, consider the following: Board certified Doctor in the US first. Talk to your plastic surgeon, ask as many questions as you want, and check his or her credentials, as well as the accreditation of the surgical center where you will be operated on. Then you can compare all of this information. Cost savings are never worth your health and wellbeing – or even your life.

Dr. Hector Salazar-Reyes is a certified plastic surgeon with the La Jolla cosmetics work out.

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