With international travel coming up again, many of us are thinking about what our first trip will be.

Anna and Lisa are avid solo travelers and most look forward to exploring again and meeting people outside of Australia.

There are many benefits to be reaped if you also want to travel alone. That’s what the experts say.

Strengthening and building trust

Whether it’s visiting a new country or taking an adventure trip, solo travel is great for empowering and transforming women, said Catheryn Khoo, professor and researcher who studies gender equality in tourism at the Griffith Institute for Tourism .

“By traveling alone and not being dependent on someone else, women gain a complete sense of autonomy,” says Dr. Khoo.

“And it’s a way to discover a new sense of self-worth, and no matter what type of trip you choose, solo travel takes you out of your comfort zone and creates confidence.”

Sharing solo travel experiences, whether on social media or with friends, can allow other women to experience the same benefits and overcome the stigma as well.

“This opens the discussion about women traveling alone and encourages other women to see that it is possible,” says Dr. Khoo.

“Over time, this creates a ripple effect that can help bridge the gap between gender equality and travel.”

Travel alone as a woman

Anna and Lisa say that traveling alone can build confidence, build character, and help you live in the flow of the moment.

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Creates cultural connections and breaks down barriers

Since no one else can distract you, traveling alone can help you become more aware of what can create empathy and bond with other people, explains Diana Sayed, suffragette, lawyer and executive director of the Australian Muslim Women’s Center for Human Rights.

“Immersing ourselves in the local culture gives us a lot of insight into other people’s customs and what influences their values ​​and traditions,” says Ms. Sayed.

“By encouraging conversation, we get the feeling that the world is in its shoes, which can lead to cultural connection, mutual understanding and sensitivity.”

Psychological benefits

New research examines how traveling alone makes great positive changes in women, including improving feelings of freedom, creativity, happiness, and self-development.

Clinical psychologist Aileen Alegado says traveling alone can be a liberating experience when you break through the social and cultural barriers that make it taboo for women to venture out into the world alone.

“It can make you more mundane, improve your problem-solving skills, and give you the space to be your real self, all of which boost your self-esteem,” says Dr. Alegado.

Dealing with travel anxiety in 2021

A woman with an afro holds a passport and boarding pass in one hand with an international arrival sign behind it

We asked the experts how to start overcoming travel anxiety now that the borders are reopening.

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Barriers for solo travelers

Security concerns are those Main barrier for women who want to travel alone.

Experience traveling alone reduce this fear a little, but Dr. Khoo explains that much remains to be done to make tourism safer for women.

“We have to start with making rooms safe for everyone … [the travel industry] The aim is to create gender-neutral places so that women feel welcome to visit them alone.

“Currently urban spaces are very masculine … and that creates unconscious barriers for women when traveling.”

To allay some of the fears of traveling alone, Ms. Sayed says, do research on cultural expectations, clothing labels, and safety issues for the destination you are heading to, and also speak to people who have already traveled there.

Include helpful resources for travelers Smart travelers, Channel for Better Health and solo travel world.

If it’s your first solo trip, you may feel a fear of the trip, which may not have anything to do with real risk, says Dr. Alegado.

“It can be exciting that you are about to explore new territory and that you are about to make positive personal changes,” she says.

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“To reduce anticipatory anxiety, plan and resolve problems in advance so that you feel safe and in control.”

You may also have hypothetical worries like, “What if my plane crashes?” or “What if I get sick?” before your journey begins.

“To overcome this, you should have a conversation with someone who is an avid solo traveler. Mindful breathing and positive affirmations can also help calm the nerves, ”says Dr. Alegado.

If you find that guilt is preventing you from traveling alone, Dr. Alegado to be open with your family and communicate your need for alone time and amplify the benefits of the trip.

“Once you get it, this can help address your concerns and you can enjoy your trip without feeling guilty,” says Dr. Alegado.

Elli Jacobs is a Sydney-based freelance writer and feminist theologian who writes on topics that empower women.

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