Kuala Lumpur, November 25, 2020 – 60% of the National Tourism Organizations (NTOs) top 10 for Muslim-friendly online travel resources are from Asia Pacific in Pear Anderson’s recent report, “How Online Are NTOs For Muslim Travelers In 2020”.

This is the second year of the report exploring the online resources NTOs from the 50 most-visited non-Muslim countries around the world have created to support Muslim-friendly travel, including information on Muslim-friendly food, prayer rooms, and hotels.

46% of the top 50 now have online resources for Muslim travelers, an encouraging 21.7% increase from 2019.

In Hong Kong, Taiwan, South Korea, Australia and Slovenia, the scores increased significantly in 2020 as new content was created and made more accessible to Muslim travelers on their platforms.

6 countries also scored their first points in the 2020 edition of the report: Germany, Greece, India, Macau, South Africa and the UK.

“It’s exciting to see NTOs begin to focus more on Muslim-friendly travel,” said Hannah Pearson, director of Pear Anderson.

“However, European NTOs still have a long way to go to catch up with their APAC counterparts, who dominate the top positions. The Hong Kong Tourism Board and Taiwan Tourism Bureau have put serious emphasis on developing Muslim-friendly online resources, and their efforts have paid off by taking first place. Their leap into the rankings shows that it is not enough for an NTO to create Muslim-friendly online resources as a one-off project – there has to be continuous innovation to keep the news updated. “

The report also includes case studies from the Hong Kong Tourism Board and Tourism Australia, and industry best practices for Muslim-friendly online tourism resources.

Spending on Muslim travel is a significant and rapidly growing sector, rising to $ 194 billion in 2019, according to the 2020/2021 Global Islamic Economy Report.

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