University Sponsored Foreign Travel – Student

With effect from June 10th, 2021, the University was authorized by the NSHE Chancellery to enable students to study abroad. The international travel authorization process will continue with the normal policies and procedures outlined in. are described Section 1.404 of the university’s administrative manual. In addition, the university allows students to travel under the following conditions:

  1. Student travel is permitted to countries that are classified as Risk Level 3 or lower by the Department of State and the Center for Disease Control at the time of departure. All international travel requests must be reviewed by the International Travel Authorization Committee and approved by the Provost.
  2. Students must return to the USA at their own expense if the rating of the country in which they are studying goes above risk level 3.
  3. For studying abroad, students must show their vaccination certificate against COVID-19 and be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before departure.
  4. The university also strongly recommends that students abroad purchase their own travel insurance through a UNR sponsored group policy with CISI. Cover includes health, medically necessary evacuation, and travel interruption costs and does not exclude losses related to COVID-19. Contact Mark Young at for more informations.

Please note that while COVID-19 infection rates are falling in the US, they are still very high in many regions of the world. Please contact your study abroad provider / organizer to find out if a particular international destination meets UNR’s international travel authorization criteria.