Home Tourism Weekend actions enhance native tourism and economic system

Weekend actions enhance native tourism and economic system


MONROE, La. (KNOE) – Monroe and West Monroe have been pretty busy this weekend with the Louisiana State Games basketball championship tournament at ULM and the Ike Derby and Classic. Both events brought people from across Louisiana and the country together to promote our economy and local tourism.

Scott Bruscato with Discover Monroe-West Monroe is the director of the Louisiana State Games.

“We are hosting the Louisiana State Games. The general state games. So this basketball is under the umbrella of these state games, ”said Bruscato.

The tournament drew teams from across the state to compete for a chance to participate in the National Congress of State Games. Monroe will host other sports for the Louisiana State Games later that year.

The Ike Derby and Classic began in West Monroe and are expected to have an economic impact of over $ 493,000.

“The Ike Derby Classic has been here for several years. Robert Charles Brown is the sponsor of it. It’s about a seven-day event. It’s under the National Cutting Horse Association, ”said Bruscato.

According to Bruscato, there are around 20 states represented at the derby, and local tourism helps the community.

“This is tax money left over here through hotels, shopping, dining and attractions. Just get out and see our community as a whole. These are dollars that are left here in our community by external visitors, ”said Bruscato.

Later this year, the twin cities will host a BMX event, a pen and sort event, and other rodeos.

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