Home Tourism Enriching Native American tourism

Enriching Native American tourism


RAPID CITY, SD (KEVN) – A Native American Tourism Development and Management Plan was recently released, aimed at bringing together tribal leaders, state-level strategic partners, community leaders and other private sectors to address the current lack of Native American experience to improve in South Dakota.

Ivan Sorbel, director of the Pine Ridge Area Chamber of Commerce, says Native American culture draws many people to the state.

“The Native American Experience is very important to visitors to South Dakota. Right now we just don’t offer that experience in the state of South Dakota, ”says Sorbel. “We need more of it to give our visitors what they are looking for.”

Given the tremendous amount of indigenous history living in the country, renovations and efforts must be made to create worthy destinations that convey the story that South Dakota has to tell.

Michelle Thomson, CEO of Black Hills and Badlands Tourism, says there is an opportunity to create a bigger tourism industry for South Dakota.

“I think the Native American tourism aspect of South Dakota is really an untapped market. Native American culture and history and all of their traditions are of great interest to international and local visitors, ”says Thomson. “It’s a big part of the culture all over America, and of course, very, very important in South Dakota.”

The plan outlines challenges and key opportunities to showcase the ancestral land and culture that are both historically and presently unique to South Dakota.

“There are nine different reservations in South Dakota. Native American culture is a big part of South Dakota’s history, and it’s a big part of the present, ”says Sorbel.

2021 will be a hopeful year for Native American tourism.

This year, some new Native American tourist attractions are coming to the Black Hills, such as the Oglala Living History Village.

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