Some New World players have started using death as a shortcut back to the nearest city instead of using the game’s built-in fast travel.

new world door function

Amazon’s MMO New world has proven to be incredibly popular since its release last week, but that doesn’t mean the game is free of bugs, bugs, and loopholes. Now, New world Players take advantage of the morbid fact that death is cheaper than fast travel to take advantage of the game’s respawn system and turn it into a free taxi to the nearest town.

Dying in the New World isn’t that big of a deal at worst – dead players will simply reappear at the inn or camp where they last rested – while the game’s built-in fast travel system is limited and expensive. This lack of serious penalties for dying has led some players to allow monsters to kill or even kill them Activate the New World PvP system to take advantage of the free return trip to town.

TIED TOGETHER: Twitch streamer Asmongold reacts to insane waiting times in the new world

The New World map is huge and its fast travel system has three main requirements: players must be in a shrine or settlement, they must have enough Azoth resources, and have already discovered the location they are traveling to quickly. The amount of Azoth required increases depending on the weight of the player, the faction responsible for the settlement and the distance traveled. With all of them complicated and buggy functions to compensate in New World, it may come as no surprise that multiple fans have decided that dying is easier and easier.

Reddit user THE_SNEED_CAT stated that until the developers made fast travel more accessible they would continue to kill monsters or PvP players and abuse the game’s respawn mechanics to get around quickly. That’s not the only thing Aspect of the New World players have criticized, but it certainly has an impact on how players play the title. THE_SNEED_CAT even mentioned the possibility of starting an in-game business to kill players who also want a shortcut to quick travel.

Another Redditor, HellStorm40k, shared an edited meme highlighting the convenience factor of this exploit. The picture shows a man in an orange shirt shrugging his shoulders with the caption “If you can’t travel fast because you’re congested, but you won’t drop that fat booty” and the text below reads “I think , I’m going to die.”

A third Redditor, Chinatown15, has published a guidebook informing other players that repair kits are cheaper than Azoth, so any item durability lost by death is more than worth the tradeoff. New World has already made a statement about some features that fans might find annoying, but at the time of writing the developers seem to have neglected the fast travel situation.

New world is now available on PC.

MORE: Why New World doesn’t have classes or races

new world outpost

New world servers go live and the game immediately reaches half a million players

Amazon MMO New World starts after years of stormy development with immediate success and still increasing numbers of players.

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About the author

Nicola Jean Kapron
(278 published articles)

A late arrival in gaming who grew up in a home without consoles. Her life changed when she found an old Gameboy Color and a copy of Pokémon Crystal at a flea market. While she specializes in narrative games, JRPGs, indie games, cute monster games, and horror games, Nicola appreciates all kinds of games. She hopes to use her writing experience to add a unique touch to her work at GameRant.

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