The Jammu and Kashmir Tourism Department, in collaboration with the Travel Agents Society of Kashmir (TASK), recently organized a roadshow in the city that was attended by more than 160 travel agencies.

The additional secretary of J & K Tourism Waseem Raja highlighted the upcoming festivals as well as the well-known and lesser-known tourist destinations arts and crafts, pilgrimage and adventure tourism.

The additional tourism secretary assured the travel trade all the necessary support from J&K tourism to enable travelers an unforgettable and comfortable stay in the Union Territory.

In addition to Mr Raja, the J & K Tourism team was represented by DGM Jammu and the Kashmir Tourist Development Corporation Ashwani Gupta, the tourism officer Chennai TP Singh, the President of TASK, Mir Anwar, the Vice President of TASK, Athar Yamin and members of TASK.

The roadshow was attended by the Director of Information and Public Relations, Tamil Nadu, Bhaskaran, the Director of the Tamil Nadu Tourism Development Corporation, TP Rajesh, the President of the Tamil Nadu Tour, Travel and Hospitality Association, VKT Balan, the Chairman of TAAI ( Region South), K. part. Shah ul Hamid, President of Tamil Nadu Tourist Vehicle Operators Association A. Afzal and Secretary of ADTOI Tamil Nadu Chapter Ashok Kumar, according to a press release here.

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