The College of Liberal Arts provides travel grants for faculty development purposes. Additional travel support can be obtained from other university sources such as faculties, the Vice President for Research and Innovation, the Graduate Association, etc.


Each full-time, regular academic faculty member of the college is entitled to travel assistance from the dean for one trip per year, provided he or she attends, presents, performs or exhibits at a professional venue. The Travel Support Program does not fund mere conference attendance. Faculty members on sabbatical or on educational leave for faculty are eligible for travel assistance. The Dean’s account cannot support contingent lecturers or postdocs. Travel funds from the college are allocated as follows, provided that the budget allows:

  • A maximum of $ 900 is available for domestic travel per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30). or
  • A maximum of US $ 1,250 is available for international travel per fiscal year (July 1 – June 30).

The funds can be used to pay for transportation, conference fees, subsistence allowances and accommodation.

Travel expenses for meetings in support of the professional service (e.g. as a representative in a professional association, as chairman or discussant of a specialist conference, as editor of a specialist journal) can be funded, but only to a maximum 50% the limits set under this Travel Assistance Policy.

Procedure for Applying for College of Liberal Arts Travel Funding

  • All trips must be preceded by authorization to issue in Workday. Trips are not approved until the expense approval has been completed and approved. Refer to the Workday Knowledge Base for instructions on issuing authorization.
  • Spend permits for domestic travel must be submitted and approved five days prior to departure.
  • International travel requires the approval of BCN Risk Management. An international travel authorization application and an international travel safety and risk form must be submitted to BCN Risk Management at least 30 calendar days prior to the travel date. Depending on the destination and type of trip, additional documents may be required.
  • Please enclose the invitation or acceptance for the implementation or submission of the issuing authorization. You can obtain the dean’s travel day from your administrative assistant or the university’s fiscal officer.

Post-travel reimbursement process

Travel expense reports must be submitted through Workday within 10 business days of returning from travel. For expense reporting instructions, see the Workday Knowledge Base.

Any faculty, staff, volunteer, or student participating in university-sponsored, affiliated, or affiliated trips must first submit appropriate spending approvals prior to the travel date. International travel requests received less than 30 calendar days prior to the travel date may not allow sufficient time for review and may be non-refundable. International travel authorization applications submitted after travel is complete are non-refundable.